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GetHelp Live Session: Ticket Routing Applications
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GetHelp 4.6 Enhancements
EnhancementsStephanie Delgado4.5, GetHelp, enhancement, release, approval, workflow, tickets, change, starus, status, automation, rule, creation, create, ticket, condition, followers, users, techs, admins, admin, tech, technician, notification, search, tag, serial, number, permission, closing, assign, assignment, survey, module, 4.6
GetHelp 4.5 Enhancements
EnhancementsStephanie Delgado4.5, GetHelp, enhancement, release, approval, workflow, tickets, change, starus, status, automation, rule, creation, create, ticket, condition, followers, users, techs, admins, admin, tech, technician, notification, search, tag, serial, number, permission, closing, assign, assignment, survey, module
GetHelp Beginning of the Year Processes
How ToStephanie DelgadoGetHelp, virtual, learning, admin, settings, technician, user, portal, email, e-mail, notification, studen, staff, parent, knowledge, base, articles, features
GetHelp 4.3 Enhancements
EnhancementsStephanie Delgadoproblem, types, Service, group, groups, custom, customized, user, permission, tech, technician, status, all tickets, unassigned, service